Welcome to my blog!


This is my blog. It will be a place where I will write about my life and my thoughts. Note that it’s my blog, so I am free to do anything I want to.


My telegram channel served puproses of this blog, however it didn’t quite work as expected: I ran into limitations of single message size, it didn’t allow me to place images in the middle of the post and so on. I tried telegraph and it worked fine, but it’s yet not the best solution.


However, it’s not about things I want to do, it’s more about what I can do with this. Turns out, I can do something out of the box, like basic markdown. Site navigation and some scripting is also possible. However, there’re plenty of things I still want to add:

Given its nature, those are problems to solve. I could do it using some googling and coding, but I’m not sure how much time it will take. Anyway, I’m happy with features I have now and hopefully I’ll add more in the future.